Case Study | Artistic Metal Work Success

The Challenge: Running a successful artistic metalwork business, Mr. W from Company D faced the challenge of stagnating profits despite increased capacity. Seeking a solution, Mr. W approached Upshift Consultancy, attracted by their reputation for challenging conventional thinking and providing robust solutions.

Upshift’s Impact: Upshift Consultancy brought significant value to Company D’s business. They conducted a comprehensive business assessment, identifying strengths and weaknesses. With a hands-on approach, Upshift worked closely with Mr. W and his team, focusing on understanding the business intricacies.

Upshift address improvements in business strategy, sales, finance, operations, order processing, and manufacturing, communication and productivity. Crucially, they identified the ideal customer base, leading to a strategic shift in the business direction. The result was a fourfold increase in both turnover and profits over three years.

When asked about Upshift’s role and the value they added to his business, Mr. W passionately expressed, “Upshift Consultancy has been an absolute game-changer for my business. They go beyond just providing advice – they truly understand the human side of running a business. Instead of drowning in day-to-day operations, they create the space for you to focus on steering your business forward. I was at a crossroads, contemplating co-ownership or scaling back to maintain profitability. Upshift not only demonstrated how to propel the business forward but also worked side by side to ensure the implementation was spot on. They delved deep into understanding our aspirations beyond just financials, crafting a plan that aligns with our true business goals. It’s not just about making money; it’s about achieving what we genuinely desire from the business. I’ve witnessed friends reach a similar point, only to contract back to a manageable size. Upshift Consultancy doesn’t just provide solutions; they partner with you to make sure your business evolves in a way that resonates with your vision and values.”

Personal Support: Mr. W emphasized the personal aspect, stating, “Running a business can be lonely, and having Upshift as a trusted partner provided both support and constructive criticism. Upshift became the voice of reason, offering not just business advice but also a critical friend during the journey. Our accountants observed the growth and inquired about Upshift. They affirmed that whatever strategies we were implementing were effective, encouraging us to continue on the same path.”

Results and Future Plans: In the three years of collaboration, the 5-year plan has already been achieved. When Mr. W and Upshift first set out the 5-year objectives, he said, “they seemed unachievable.” However, Company D witnessed a remarkable transformation. Profits increased, customer and employee retention improved, and the business is now positioned for the next 5-year plan. Upshift’s involvement spans executive coaching, strategic planning, market analysis, sales, process optimization, financial management, HR, and staff training.

Currently developing a new five-year plan, Upshift Consultancy continues to be an integral part of Company D’s success story, committed to delivering sustained value for all stakeholders.
Conclusion: This case study exemplifies how Upshift Consultancy’s strategic interventions and hands-on approach, as described by Mr. W, can help a business pivot to a new direction, leading to substantial growth, improved profitability and a brighter future. It’s not just consultancy; it’s a partnership that brings about transformative results, understanding the human side of business dreams.

Special thanks to Mr W and all at Company D for allowing Upshift Consultancy to share their transformative journey.